$3 sambuca shots & $10 pitchers at a bar at College/Spadina we think was called John's Restaurant, but did not have any signage. the only other customer drank two pitchers to himself while he wrote furiously in a notebook. the musical ambiance was provided by an unnamed guitar duo who, among other things, played a slow-tempo version of Sublime's Santeria. in between sets they threw on a Gypsy Kings cd.
next was Supermarket which was just fine because at that point i couldn't have cared less where we were, as long as it was inside. goddamn it's been cold. much less eventful and i def wasn't dressed for it. my oversized sweater was just fine for John's Restaurant but maybe not for kensington. oh, i asked the bartender for a rye&coke and i got a rye&ginger. which was fine. but incorrect! i almost took a grey toque with a pom-pom off the floor but this friend i have stopped me. i hope it was found by its true owner, or else i'll be pissed.
hahaha you look so cute in the second picture... mostly because it looks like you're wearing socks on your hands.